Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Second One is *Definitely* a Gate to a Portal World

Well, space rats, I had a nice ol' blog post all planned out for today, but to tell you the truth it was not a little grumbly and contained more than a dash of Get Off My Lawn. And after supper I took a lovely stroll around the neighborhood with the Blonde Wonder, who spotted rabbits and braved trotting past an old armchair left for bulk collection tomorrow and "heck?"ed at a bird chirping on a wire, and I smelled the clover that grows all along the side of the road and marveled at some flowers and appreciated some golden dappled evening light. And after all that, I'm just not very grumbly anymore. So I leave you with a handful of pictures from our walk and wish you peace.

Maybe I'll share the cane-shakey post another time, but for now I give you a semi-rural southeast Virginia evening in June:

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