Gratitude and Joy: Day 10
I am grateful for:
Kind Cashiers
The other day I picked up a few gift cards at the grocery store when I did my week's shopping. For whatever reason--maybe the cashier passed them to the bagger and he missed them or maybe she set them aside thinking I would put them in my purse and *I* missed them--I walked away without them. And then she noticed I didn't have them and chased me down to make sure I didn't walk way without the single most expensive thing I bought that day. Sometimes the little things are actually the big things, and I'm so grateful this woman saved me the inconvenience and expense of losing those gift cards.
I feel joy listening to:
"The Hallelujah Chorus"
They performed "The Hallelujah Chorus" as the encore at the Holiday Pops concert Friday night. Dang but I love "The Hallelujah Chorus." It is so majestic, so joyful, so so. It's one of those pieces that gives me that swelling emotion feeling that gets stuck in your throat. Also, when people actually know to stand up? Because tradition? It makes me feel connected to something bigger, just like the music does. If I had to describe joy, I don't think I could do better than to point to the feeling I get during those high, high notes in "The Hallelujah Chorus."
I love the Hallelujah Chorus too! Also, I find that kindness and genuine thoughtfulness are highly underrated virtues. Your story has inspired me to try to be more kind, even when it’s hard.