Gratitude and Joy: Day 24
I am grateful for:
Our Local Weather Guy
The gentleman who does weather commentary in our local paper is amazing. He knows his stuff and he explains it well, always making clear what's actually happening all up in the atmospheres and explaining what might develop and what's likely to develop. Our weather is pretty much 90% run of the mill, but the other 10% might kill you. I find his level-headed, intelligent commentary indispensable and frankly, instrumental in helping me keep perspective in a world where alarmist weather sells.
I feel joy watching:
Scrooge Finding Joy in His Redemption
My favorite adaptation of A Christmas Carol is the 1951 version staring Alastair Sim (which is called Scrooge). Sim's portrayal of Scrooge is stunningly perfect, and part of what makes it so good is his performance of the reformed Scrooge. The last seven or eight minutes of the movie is made up of one brilliant joyful scene after another. Here's one of my favorite sequences. This one is a close, close second. (The background music here is perfect.*) Neither of these is the famous Boxing Day morning scene, which you should watch too. It'll have popped up to the side if you clicked either of those links. Oh, just go watch the whole movie.
*"Barbara Allen," what is about how regret over being hardhearted toward your fellow humans can kill you. Scrooge takes a different path by choosing to fix it/himself before it's too late.
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